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Experienced Passaic County Truck Accident Attorneys

Due to the considerable size of commercial trucks and the weight of their cargo, any accident they cause can result in life-changing injuries for the victims. The cost of recovering from these injuries can be staggering, and should never fall onto the victim to pay for.

At Weiner Mazzei LLC in Passaic, New Jersey, we want to be the law firm that helps you earn the compensation you deserve after a truck accident. When trucking companies send investigators to look into your accident, our truck accident lawyers are prepared to act fast to protect your interests.

The Nature Of Truck Accidents

Our truck accident lawyers have been representing injured clients for decades. We have learned a lot about truck accidents and what may have caused them, such as driver fatigue, reckless driving, improperly loaded vehicles, intoxication and even lack of training. These and other factors can all result in accidents that leave other drivers with injuries such as:

  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Internal bleeding
  • Loss of limb or bodily function
  • Organ failure
  • Scarring
  • Traumatic brain injuries

Our lawyers know how to effectively investigate these cases, starting with commercial truck “black boxes.” They can provide valuable information about the accident and what may have caused it.

How Our Truck Accident Attorneys Fight For Our Clients

When we act on your behalf in your personal injury claim, you can focus on your health as we gather medical documents, consult with expert witnesses, collect photos and videos of the accident, and determine the total value of the costs of your injuries.

From there, we might try to resolve your case via settlement. If reaching a fair and agreeable outcome in your claim outside of court is not possible, we will fight for you in court.

While we are representing you, we will remain in constant contact with you about your case, where we see it going, what we are doing for you, and what options you have before you. Our attorneys are ready to explain any of the complicated matters of your case to put your mind at ease about how we are helping you.

A Law Firm To Serve Your Needs

We are not a law firm that “loses track” of our clients, and we never settle for less in these cases. If you are ready to meet with a team who is as committed to your needs as you are, contact us today. Call Weiner Mazzei LLC at 973-869-5933 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation now.